Thursday 2 December 2010

Journeying as a family in Advent - MU suggestions

This time of year is a busy one for families. Practising for school plays and carol services may have already begun; the young (and not so young!) may be eager to make known their hopes for presents and treats. Forward planning for festive meals and visiting guests may already be underway.

Think of advent as a journey along which we travel to meet again the new born Christ. All journeys need preparation; 
the more thorough the planning, the smoother the travel. As a family take some time to start preparing for advent by considering three things.

1. Look back.

Think back together over this last year. What were the highs and lows? What were your favourite times together as a family? What did you particularly enjoy? How do you feel about the hard times? Are there things that you wish had been different? 

2. Get ready.

Make a list of what you could take on your journey to meet the new born Christ.
Will you pack some questions to ask Jesus?
Are there any gifts for Jesus that you want to take with you?
Who is coming with you on the journey?
Have you got a map of the route?

3. Look forward

Talk about your memories of other advent times. What are you looking forward to this time? Are there new ways of doing things this year that you’d like to try? Wonder together about whether there are any parts of advent that we could leave out and still end up meeting Jesus at the end of the journey?

Thank you Jesus that you have been with us through this year.
Please help us get ready for our advent journey ahead.
We look forward to travelling with you, 
and celebrating your birth together. 

Activity suggestions:

Have a go at creating a map for your advent journey. You could chart your progress every day. The wise men followed a star on their journey; think whether there is something that could highlight the route for your family.  

Adapt a carol for your family as a special anthem or marching song to sing on the journey.

Make decorations ready for the Christmas tree from mementos of special times the family has shared this year. 

Find boxes to put in front of a nativity scene as gifts for Jesus. Decorate them with pictures of achievements from the year e.g. learning to ride a bicycle; making a new friend; being more patient with a difficult person.

With smaller children choose play figures to represent each of the family and get ready to move them nearer to a nativity scene throughout advent.

Choose a DVD of the nativity story that can be watched together throughout advent.

Choose a book, e.g. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, to read each night together throughout advent.

Produced by Mothers’ Union, Mary Sumner House, London

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