Tuesday 21 September 2010


The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has urged a renewed effort by global actors to push forward the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

His call came through a video message transmitted yesterday (20 September 2010) for the opening day of the United Nations' three-day review summit in New York on its anti-poverty action programme.

The MDGs, which remain the most prominent global initiative to address poverty, were drawn from the Millennium Declaration adopted 10 years ago and agreed by World leaders who committed to achieving the targets by 2015.

Christians and others of goodwill "need to work in harmony with governments and non-governmental organisations around the world in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by the deadline", Dr Williams declared.

Faith communities, he said, can offer "resources not only in terms of skills and persons but of vision and of energy; of faith. A sense of deep obligation, a sense that our welfare is absolutely bound up with the welfare of our neighbour."

He continued: "We want to appeal to our governments not to step back from the commitments they have made, to make the best use of their own resources and to build up the resources of others for work together towards a world that we can be proud to live in - a world in which our responsibility for each other is truly and fully exercised, where we can really celebrate the life and welfare of all."

More on the goals: http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/

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