Monday 29 November 2010

Bishop Clarke’s lead on economic situation in Ireland

The Rt Revd Ken Clarke, Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh has given a strong lead to his diocese on the recent traumatic week in Ireland.

He said in a ‘Call to the diocese’:
“What a week it has been! We are in unchartered waters in Ireland. The news has been shocking and stark. As a country we are facing a time of extreme cutbacks, stringent measures and financial restraints. Many people are worried, unsure and anxious. The implications are enormous for every single person in our country.

“As followers of Christ and members of His church what should our response be?

“1. Be there! Many people feel angry, lonely and uncared for. They will need to know they are not forgotten. Personal friendship and support can mean so much.  Determine to be there for people we know.  
“2. Show care! God cares for the hurting, the unemployed, the worried and the struggling. We are called to care in thoughtful, generous, and practical ways. Be sensitive but not intrusive. These tough times are a time to care.      
“3. Decisive actions! Think of specific people who really need help and help them. It is not enough to think about them, talk about them, or indeed even pray for them. The apostle John couldn’t make it clearer, 'Let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth.'

“4. Urgent prayer! In our Anglican liturgy we pray often for those in authority. I ask that we redouble our prayers for politicians, national leaders, financiers and decision makers. They need our prayers and this country needs a praying people. I suggest that each Sunday in the next few months we prioritise praying for those in authority and for our nation. A suggested prayer is below.
“Suggested Prayer:    
God bless our leaders. God bless our country. God bless the church. Forgive our sins of greed and selfishness. Forgive our arrogance and pride. Move among us by Your Holy Spirit bringing hope and healing, progress and employment. Help us to care for one another as You care for us. Thank you for hearing our prayer. In the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord,  Amen”

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