Friday 5 November 2010


A C of E  bishop has branded his liberal critics 'little Englanders' as new gay row hits Church. The Church of England has been hit by fresh disagreement over the ordination of gay bishops with one senior cleric likening his opponents to the BNP.

The Daily Telegraph reported on Nov 4 that church leaders are discussing proposals for a landmark agreement intended to prevent splits in the world-wide Anglican Communion over controversial issues.

Churches across the world would undertake not to act in a way likely to upset fellow Anglicans in other countries under the deal. But critics of the plan, which is known as the Anglican Covenant, claim it would cede control over the affairs of the Church of England to a foreign authority for the first time since Henry VIII.

The covenant was deemed necessary after international criticism from conservative Anglicans followed the ordination of the Rt Rev Gene Robinson, who is openly gay, as Bishop of New Hampshire in 2004.

Two liberal groups, Inclusive Church and Modern Church, have launched a campaign against the covenant plan, which they say is overwhelmingly backed by traditionalists.
The critics ran an advertisement in the Church Times claiming that the plan represented a move to install an “authoritarian leadership” and “the biggest change to the Church since the Reformation”.

However, the Bishop of St Asaph, the Rt Rev Gregory Cameron, who was on the committee that drew up the covenant, described the opponents as “latter-day little Englanders”.

In a letter to the Church Times, he said the two groups had “turned themselves into the nearest to an ecclesiastical BNP that I have encountered”.

He continued: “They resort to the old tactics of misinformation and scaremongering about foreigners and outside influences to whip up a campaign against the Anglican Covenant and replace reasoned argument with a ‘Man the barricades!’ mentality that is little short of breathtaking”.

The Rev Johnathan Clatworthy, from Modern Church, rejected the charge of scaremongering and said the fact that the proposed agreement had emerged from the debate over gay bishops was being played down.

He said traditionalists in the Church wanted to adopt the covenant to exclude the US, which is seen as more liberal in its approach to homosexuality than the rest of the Anglican Communion.

The disagreement comes after discord over moves to ordain women as bishops in England for the first time and the controversial decision not to appoint a celibate homosexual, Dean Jeffrey John, as the next Bishop of Southwark.

The covenant is to be debated at the General Synod meeting in London later this month.

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