Tuesday 12 October 2010


Details were given at the Diocesan Synod in Armagh, Oct 12, of a newly structed approach to ministry training and development. Reporting on this development Archbishop Alan Harper said, “The aim of the new Board is :To promote personal development and training in preparation for lay and ordained ministry in all areas of diocesan life and witness.”
The role of the Board, under the archbishop is:
    •    To develop the concept of personal development and training in the diocese;
    •    To validate and co-ordinate all selection, training, job roles and commissionings;
    •    To monitor ongoing assessment, review and development;
    •    To ensure that correct procedures are in use, e.g. public vetting and barring, grievance and disciplinary procedures and insurance provision;
    •    To oversee training budgets and to make applications for grants on behalf of the Boards committees from the various grant awarding authorities including, as appropriate,  the Diocesan Council and the Priorities Fund;
    •    To approve replacement membership of committees; and
    •    To support and advise its committees.
The Archbishop said, “The membership of the Board will consist of one representative from each of the six committees to be established under the Board, together with a further six members appointed by the Diocesan Council. As appropriate, the Archbishop may appoint other suitable persons to the board and also appoint Chairpersons, both of the Board itself and the committees of the Board. He may, himself, assume the chairmanship of the Board or of any of its committees but he will not normally do so.
“The Working Group has proposed the establishment of the following committees answerable to the Board together with the remit for each of the proposed committees and the way that each relates to any existing committees. The committees comprise: Children’s Ministry; Youth Ministry; Mission, Outreach and Social Responsibility; Pastoral and Healing Ministries; Reader Ministry and Ordinands and Clergy. The objective is to bring about coherence and to ensure collaboration across the whole work which I have described as equipping the saints for ministry.”
He commented, “These are exciting and comprehensive proposals which I fully support and endorse. I am anxious that they should be fully implemented with the support of the Diocesan Council.

The Working Group which developed the new model met under the chairmanship of Dean Patrick Rooke.

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